How to Clean a Green Swimming Pool? Steps and Tips For Swimming Pool Cleaning



Not having enough knowledge about how to clean a swimming pool should not interfere with your summer pool party plans. Devoting few days can help you in getting your job done. If you are the one who has been neglecting his swimming pool all winter long, Or are you wondering how to clean a green swimming pool? Then here are the few ways to get your task accomplished:

Step 1: Remove Debris

First and foremost step you need to take is to remove large debris from surface with the help of pool net. The action could lead your pool to look worst temporarily. However, after few hours the stirred debris will settle down. Vacuum the pool once debris is settled.

Step 2: Brush the Pool

Use large pool brush to wipe off the bottom and sides of the pool. This step will help in removal of algae which is responsible for green color of pool. Using algae brush is preferable as it helps in removal of stubborn algae.

Step 3: Adjust pH Levels

Adjusting pool’s pH level is a good idea during its cleaning process. Using liquid test kits, check the pH and alkalinity levels of swimming pool. For sure, the pH levels will not be under prescribed range. Adjust the Alkalinity levels or your water will never be clear. After knowing the pH levels, add appropriate amount of sodium bisulfate to lower pH levels (adding 3/4 of sodium bisulfate is recommended).

Step 4: Chlorinate your Pool

The Chlorination or shocking of pool is next step which is responsible for killing clingy algae and bacteria. Shock your pool with high levels of chlorine to sanitize the pool. To get optimum results, it is prescribed to shock the pool with 75% of chlorine, twice. Using liquid chlorine is recommended as it is considered to work rapidly.

Step 5: Run the Filter

Turn the filter on until the water is completely clear. The process can take upto four days, so be patient! The step is essential to clear green water or otherwise filter will be easily clogged. Backwashing the filter is also a part of the process as it will aid in clearing the pool. 


Following these steps will help in clearing up your pool within five days. However, in some cases people need to change their filter after a thorough cleaning of pool. Therefore, getting professional assistance is a good idea!
